My Story

I can remember so clearly the day in 1996 that altered my life for almost the next 20 years. This was the beginning of too many years of migraine after migraine after migraine which equaled cancelled plans, heartbroken kids, prescription medication with horrible side effects...

Having students watch me teach from a chair in a dark room and having to work in silence, having co-workers drive me home or my husband having to pick me up because I couldn’t drive, missing my children's sporting events, laying in my bedroom in the dark with no one bothering me, using sick days because I couldn’t function…the list goes on and on!

I couldn’t understand why I was taking prescriptions and still getting them! In February 2015, my friend Tracy introduced me to Plexus. After hearing about the products the first thing that caught my eye was the possibility of losing weight. Not knowing that my life was about to be changed forever, I trusted her wholeheartedly and took a leap of faith.

I began with the triplex combo because I was told that gut health was important and that was what Plexus focused on. I continued to have migraines, but they became more and more infrequent. Of course, I didn’t associate the products with doing anything for me but helping me to lose weight. I decided to research gut health and migraines to see if there was any correlation. WOW!

So many studies and information out there showing the connection. On Mother’s Day 2015, again we had to cancel plans as I had the worst migraine I had ever experienced. I wasn’t sure what to think as I was still taking my prescription and was consistent with my products. I then decided to quit taking my prescription (with the help of my doctor) and trust that getting my gut healthy would be the key.

I was no longer focused on weight loss, but health. I still can’t believe that the “BIG ONE” on Mother’s Day 2015 was my very last migraine. It’s been amazing to go to a concert and not worry that the flashing lights might be a trigger. It’s amazing to drive down the street and not worry that if I catch the sun in my eye that it might be a trigger. It is amazing to eat all foods and not worry that eating something might be a trigger.

There was no rhyme or reason, everything used to be a possible trigger. Three months (90 days) of trusting my friend, changed my life in more ways than just no more migraines, but those are stories for another day… As a teacher, it has been a true blessing not having migraines interrupt so many of my days anymore. Another blessing is not getting sick!

It has been almost 7 years since I have caught any of the colds, flus, or other nastiness from my students and believe me that there were plenty of opportunities. I have also said goodbye to allergies, eczema, low energy and Diet Pepsi ! Needless to say that Plexus was the answer to my prayers and my family will never go a day without!

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